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Take Five

Branding Design
2020.01 - 2020.03
The objective is to rebrand the local barbershop, providing a jazz theme store that attracts new clientele and provides them a place to recovery and escape from everyday emotional, social and physical stress.
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The founder of Take Five Thomson from New Orleans, used a trumpet player back in the 1920s. He loves jazz music so much, and wants more people to know jazz. Then, he found this barbershop and named it Take Five in the 1920s. The concept of the name Take Five suggests to people that they have a few minutes to enjoy life.

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The design included a logo, 7 package design, brand extensions, a stationery set, and a 12 page catalogue. The design element was inspired by the real jazz performances players play solos which they make up on the spot, which requires considerable skill.

The trumpet and the piano key was chosen to represent jazz music. The reason to chose these two instruments is that these two instruments could be a really good combineation which release beautiful sound.
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Combine with the store name “TAKE 5”, to make people feel that, take 5 minutes ina day to enjoy the beautiful jazz music when they are shaving.
The font is choose to use serif font, which would easily bring people back to the early 20 century.
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Endless Desire